Welcome to

Apogee San Diego

We are a Learning and Leadership Development Center where our focus is empowering families, developing young leaders, and being a growth hub for our community.

We provide an alternative solution to public education for ages 5-17. We focus on key life skills, Socratic conversations, project based learning, and engaging parents in the learning process.

Parents get access to Apogee Man and Apogee Woman, a personal development program and community, with their child's enrollment.

In addition, we host workshops and events focused on business and personal development.


At the heart of our journey was a search for an educational path for our daughter that truly resonated with our family's values and aspirations. Despite exploring numerous options, including private schooling and homeschooling, we consistently found a disconnect between what was available and the kind of educational environment we envisioned—one that nurtures individuality, fosters leadership, develops character, and teaches key life skills.

Our vision is to cultivate a thriving hub where families can come together, where children love to learn and grow into leaders, where business owners can connect and access services, and where the educational experience is engaging, enjoyable, and deeply embedded in mutual respect and integrity.

Our commitment extends beyond the curriculum to ensuring that every family who joins us feels a sense of belonging and alignment with our values. It's about building a community where everyone contributes to and benefits from a collective journey of growth and development.

It's about creating tribe.

This is why we take the time to truly get to know the families interested in joining us, to discover if we share the same aspirations for creating an empowering, dynamic, and comprehensive environment for our families to thrive. This foundational principle is what guides us as we strive to create a place where families thrive, leaders are developed, learning is joyous, and integrity forms the cornerstone of our community.


Javvad and Gloria

Javvad Syed is an expert in Strategy, Business Optimization, and a Leadership and Performance Coach with over 14 years of experience in developing and executing strategy, change management, operations excellence, leadership and performance optimization.

Javvad holds a dual bachelor’s degree from the University of San Diego in Industrial and Systems Engineering and Liberal Arts, and a Strategy Management Certification from Harvard.

Gloria is a Holistic Health Practitioner and has 14+ years of teaching experience in public education. Gloria holds a bachelor's degree from Loyola Marymount University and a master's degree from

Grand Canyon University.

Gloria and Javvad believe in critical thinking, developing a resilient mindset, and freedom. With their diverse knowledge and experience, they quickly realized that the public education system didn’t fulfill the holistic needs of personal and leadership development. When their daughter was born, they knew they had to find or create something else that would meet their expectations and standards.

When the opportunity came to open an Apogee center in San Diego, they understood it was the answer they were looking for, and made the commitment to serve the San Diego community. The learning and leadership development center empowers families, develops young leaders, and provides a center of growth.



“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to

have tried to succeed.”

–Theodore Roosevelt-